How to become diabetic


Dr. Davis
Wheat Belly Blog
Mon, 28 Apr 2014 08:18 CDT

It’s so easy, anyone can do it! 

“After a number of years of diabetes, think how much more you can contribute to the nation’s economic success when you need a heart catheterization, stents, or bypass surgery, carotid artery surgery, stents in your femoral arteries, hemodialysis, and foot amputations?”

Becoming diabetic and proudly having to finger stick your way to blood sugar control is patriotic, as it builds revenues for Big Pharma. What better way to support your country than to help successful industries grow larger, increase shareholder value, and increase the salary and perks for hard working executives? 

So if you want to join the growing ranks of people who are becoming diabetic, now the largest epidemic of chronic disease ever witnessed in the history of the world, here’s what you do: 

 Cut your fat intake – Because it leaves you unsatiated and hungry, you will be left with cravings and the loss of resolve to consume healthy foods, making those chips and cookies irresistible. Celebrate with Frito Lay and Oreos! 

 Consume high-glycemic index foods – By “high,” I mean any food with a greater than zero or single-digit glycemic index, such as grains and sugars. Also eat more “low-” and “moderate-” glycemic index foods, because they raise your blood sugar to high levels, too!

 Consume modern wheat – Because the gliadin protein yields opiate peptides that stimulate appetite and increase calorie intake by 400 calories per day, every day, making you want more to eat all throughout the day, paving the road to a wonderful and proud collection of visceral fat. 

– Listen to your doctor’s advice to not supplement vitamin D or supplement at low-dose and be content with a 25-hydroxy vitamin D level of 30 ng/ml, the level you would have with minimal sun exposure and no consumption of animal organs. Ignore the fact that healthy, young, sun-exposed people typically have 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels of 70, 80, or 90 ng/ml. And ask your doctor to take the less effective, non-human form of vitamin D available by prescription! 

– Give into the joint pain, lethargy, and depression caused by grains. This allows insulin resistance to gain a foothold, sending up blood sugars. And, anyway, think of all the TV you can catch up on not having to worry about exercising. 

– Eat processed foods made with grains and sugars, also filled with herbicides like glyphosate and imizamox, that causechanges in bowel flora. Cut back on those healthy Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria species and give equal time to E. Coli , maybe even Clostridium difficile! 

– Eat gluten-free foods made with cornstarch, tapioca starch, rice flour, and potato flour, since they have the highest glycemic indexes of all foods – there’s nothing higher! Your doctor will be shocked at how high your HbA1c can go just by following this simple strategy. Gluten-free foods might even earn you your very own insulin pump! 

You’ll know when you’ve succeeded when you have to shop for larger and larger pants and dress sizes and, best of all, your doctor feels good about himself because he is able to do his job and hand out more prescriptions to treat your high blood sugars, high blood pressure, joint pains, skin rashes, acid reflux, and high cholesterol. Maybe he will even have to put you on antidepressants! Think how much you will add to the bottom line of your friendly neighborhood pharmacy alone. 

You can find a number of roadmaps to accomplish this lifestyle. One way would be to not read nasty books like Wheat Belly that could actually harm the profit making potential of grains and drugs. Another way would be to just follow the advice of the American Diabetes Association and all their friendly supporters in the drug and processed food industry. 

After a number of years of diabetes, think how much more you can contribute to the nation’s economic success when you need a heart catheterization, stents, or bypass surgery, carotid artery surgery, stents in your femoral arteries, hemodialysis, and foot amputations? Your doctor is happy, high-fiving you for all the terrific fees you generate, the hospital adds your name to its mailing list to keep up-to-date on all its new services, while dietitians congratulate you on how well you adhere to their low-fat, grain-based advice. 

See how easy it is?

Salt, sugar, and fat: Why we can’t quit junk food’s holy trinity

Claire Thompson
Thu, 21 Mar 2013 14:55 CDT

Veteran New York Times journalist Michael Moss entered the world of food reporting when he covered a salmonella outbreak in a Georgia peanut factory, a story he came to see as being about “loss of control by the food industry.” He followed up on that theme with an investigation of E. coli-tainted Cargill hamburger, which earned him a Pulitzer Prize in 2010. Around that time, he says, a close source told him, “As bad as these contamination incidents are, there’s this other public-health crisis out there that’s caused by the stuff we intentionally put it into processed foods, and have absolute control over.” Meaning, of course, salt, sugar, and fat – the “holy trinity” of processed-food ingredients, and the namesake of Moss’ new book. 

Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us traces how these ingredients worked their way into our food in ever-larger amounts, not by accident but as part of a concerted effort by food companies to make their products as irresistible and addictive as possible. Moss profiles the food scientists whom corporations like Kellogg and Kraft pay to formulate exact combinations of ingredients that target consumers’ “bliss point”: where food is as tasty as possible without being so satisfying that we stop wanting more. Think junk food like Cheez-Its, movie-theater popcorn, and Oreos: You can kill a whole bag of the stuff without even noticing. 

Moss reveals how fundamental these ingredients have become to the processed-food industry’s entire model: how sugar intensifies our cravings; how fat and sugar work together to make products vastly more tasty than either ingredient could alone; how fat plays up a given food’s most desirable traits (such as smooth texture) while masking others (like the acidity of sour cream), and how salt smothers the chemical tinge that would otherwise make most junk food inedible. Salt, sugar, and fat also make possible the long shelf life and easy preparation that inspired the term “convenience food” and sold it to a new generation of working moms. 

We got a chance to chat with Moss when he stopped by the Grist office last week. Here are some highlights from our conversation. (Interview has been condensed and edited.) 

Q. Salt Sugar Fat reveals parallels between the food industry and tobacco industry’s efforts to get us hooked on their products – not just through creative marketing, but by focusing on the way our bodies react to key ingredients. Does this mean we could legally go after food companies in the same way? 

A. The processed-food industry is entirely confident it can withstand tobacco-type litigation. I think their confidence comes from the difference between tobacco and food, inherently, and the difficulty that a lawyer would have blaming any one company or any one product for the obesity crisis or diabetes

That said, there’s certainly nothing stopping the states from going after processed food collectively, because the estimates are that obesity is causing as much as $300 billion in extra medical expenses and lost productivity every year. So it’s probably a [bigger] issue financially for the health system than even tobacco. 

What really struck me in reporting the book was how the tobacco industry plays another role. Philip Morris, the largest tobacco company, became the largest food manufacturer in North America, by buying first General Foods and then Kraft. Starting in the late ’90s, Philip Morris kind of gets religion on tobacco – it’s under increasing regulatory pressure, it starts worrying that it’s losing the public trust, it’s constantly polling consumers, and its reputation is plummeting. It becomes the first tobacco company to embrace government regulation as a way of avoiding complete disaster. So they turn to their food division, and said to them, you guys are going to face as great, if not a greater, problem with salt, sugar, and fat as we are with nicotine and tobacco. You’ve got to start doing something to reexamine your dependence on [those ingredients]. 

I found it really startling that tobacco would be the entity warning the food companies about obesity. 

Q. In the book, you emphasize how hooked the food companies themselves are on salt, sugar, and fat. How much of a barrier is that dependence to efforts to change the industry from within? 

A. The industry makes a convincing argument that it never wanted to make us obese or otherwise ill. The problem lies in their collective zeal to do what companies do, which is make as much money as possible by selling as much product as possible, and on their dependence on these three ingredients to make their products ultra-convenient, ultra-low-cost, as well as utterly, irresistibly tasty. These three ingredients to them are miracle ingredients. Sugar, for example, will allow long shelf time, and will also add bulk and color to cookies and donuts and breads. Salt is perhaps the most magical of all three. It’s really cheap – 10 cents a pound – and it allows them to avoid using more costly ingredients like fresh herbs and spices. And salt masks some of these awful tastes that are inherent to processed foods. Meat, for example: They have to cook it once, and then they’ll put it in the box or the can, and when you reheat it, it emits what’s called warm-over flavor. Food scientists describe the taste as being like wet dog hair, maybe a little cardboard, too. Salt acts as a masking agent for all that. 

All of this [became] really clear to me when Kellogg invited me to taste special versions of their icons that they had prepared without salt. We started with Cheez-It crackers, which normally I could eat day in and day out, but without salt they were just god awful. They stuck to the roofs of our mouths. Then we went to the frozen waffles, popped them in the toaster, and they came out looking and tasting like straw. And then the clincher was the cereal. We put it in the bowl, added milk, and before I could say anything, the company spokeswoman [who also tasted the cereal] gets this look of horror on her face and she goes, “Metal. I taste metal. M-E-T-A-L.” 

Q. That begs the question, then, whether these companies can make their food healthier without changing their entire product lines and business model. What does that say about how much power we as consumers have? 

A. Certainly in my life, I’m not seeing an ability to get away from processed foods. My wife works outside the home and I have two young boys. Our strategy is more to gain control over these foods rather than avoid them. My wife recently said, “Look, guys, let’s try to limit ourselves to cereal that has five grams or less sugar per serving.” When you engage them that way, now when we go shopping, it’s a bit of an Easter egg hunt for them. They’ll grab the box and look on the label and look for five grams or less. 

They’ll have to reach low on the shelf, or I’ll have to reach high, because strategically, the less sugary cereals are put out of eyesight. The industry’s done research – they put devices on people’s heads to measure their eye movements – and they know that when you hit the aisle, your eyes go right to the middle part of the aisle, at eye level. So if you’re looking for plain oatmeal, it’s likely going to be either way up or down, toward the ends of the aisles, where you’re less apt to see it. 

Q. Couldn’t they just put all the healthy food in the middle of the aisle, then? Do unprocessed foods just need better advertising? 

A. Another problem in the grocery store is the processed foods are so much cheaper than the fruits and vegetables. The White House is looking at not necessarily taxing the processed food or its main ingredients, but shifting subsidies that already exist that benefit processed foods over to the fruits and vegetables – as a way of avoiding the nanny-state label that Mayor Bloomberg of New York doesn’t mind getting hit with. 

[Former Philip Morris CEO Geoffrey Bible said to me], I’m no friend of government regulation, but what you’re seeing with the food industry is that anytime one of these companies tries to do the right thing individually, the competitors swoop in. He said in this case, it’s pretty clear that unless the industry can get together – which I don’t think is going to happen – regulation may make sense, if only to give them cover from Wall Street. That’s one of the huge forces here. 

When you’re inside these companies, they’re not evil, they’re just doing their jobs as best as they possibly can. 

Q. What has industry reaction to the book been like? 

A. It’s been pretty quiet. I’d like to think it’s because the reporting is fair and balanced and it’s already incorporated all of [the food companies’] main arguments. The notion that they themselves are dependent on [salt, sugar, and fat], they saw as a defense, but in fact it sort of turns on them when you put it into the right context. 

Knock on wood. They may be sitting right now and plotting.

Cancer and cooking: How a low carb diet helps fight this disease


Hannah Bradley
The Independent
Thu, 14 Mar 2013 17:36 CDT

My name is Hannah Bradley and I am 28-years-old. In February 2011 my world changed in an instant when I had a massive seizure in the early hours of the night. Luckily my partner was with me as I lost consciousness and was rushed to hospital. I really don’t remember much about the two months that followed apart from seeing many doctors and having constant headaches and a number of seizures. 

I was frightened, confused and feared the worst. My worse fears came true when I was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumour called Anaplastic Astrocytoma. I could see how serious this was by the fact that so many doctors who had me under their care. As I am sure you can imagine when I heard this news my whole world fell apart. I had so many questions going around my head, like why was this happening to me? What did the future hold and would I survive? 

Five weeks after my initial diagnosis I had surgery and underwent a six-and-a-half hour operation. The surgeon was happy as he was able to remove the majority of the tumour. I made a good recovery and was back on my feet in just a few days. However I had to wait a few weeks for the results of the biopsy. I did my best to remain positive but negative thoughts plagued my mind. When I finally got the news it was once again devastating, the surgeon told me that I had a Grade III tumour. I did not want to know what this meant and never asked or looked on the internet. Two years on since diagnosis I know now that the life expectancy for this condition is around 18 months. 

I remember leaving the hospital with my partner and thinking that my life was over and all the hopes and dreams I had would never be realized. All my friends and family rallied around me and helped me find some bravery and strength that I didn’t even now I had. 

Soon after I started a six-week course of radiotherapy. I was really nervous about this, especially as it was explained to me that radiotherapy would probably result in my hair falling and that it was likely that the caner would return. After a few weeks my hair did start to fall out and once again I was devastated. Faced with this challenge, I did what many others have done before me, and shaved my head. Every time I did this I cried my eyes out. I tried to remain positive that the radiotherapy would be effective but again the results of next MRI were not what I wanted and some of the tumour was still active. 

During this challenging time my partner, Pete had been looking for alternative treatments. He spent months contacting people who where still alive with the same condition. He managed to track down a number of them and found out that many of them had been on clinical trial in Houston, Texas. 

We applied to be apart of this and thankfully that the Food and Drugs Administration which oversees public health in America accepted me to take part in a phase 2 clinical trial. This treatment was not available on the NHS and we faced with another big challenge of raising around £200,000. I was so fortunate as so many people came to my aid and helped me raise this money. It seemed an impossible task but the money came rolling in. In December 2011 we flew over to America and in January I started treatment. We stayed there for seven weeks and to my amazement the first scan I had showed the tumour was starting to shrink. 

It’s now one year on and I have continued success. My passion to conquer this disease led me to make a number other changes in my life. Perhaps the biggest one has been dietary and specifically cutting simple sugars and starchy foods out of my diet. From my research I learned that the exclusive food of cancer is sugar. 

I embraced this and cut out almost completely starchy carbohydrates and refined sugars by incorporating a sugar-free/starch-free food plan. The idea being that this diet would feed my body, mind and starve the cancer into submission. I have also learnt that this type of diet is good for blood sugar regulation, body composition and is consistent with the way that our ancestors ate thousands of years ago. 

I had a few lessons from a friend and dare I say it I actually started to get into cooking. I experimented with different foods and recipes and came up with more and more of my own recipes. Thankfully along with the treatment, doing this worked for me. 

After months of experimentation I have learned to make many delicious and nutritious meals and this is why I decided to write my own book The Team Hannah Cookbook. It is my contribution to helping and inspiring others to eat a better diet. It is easy is to cut out the carbs and still eat “normally.” I now believe that dieting and counting calories doesn’t work. Low carb is the way forward. 

‘The Team Hannah Cookbook’ is out now

Comment: Regarding a low carb diet to fight cancer, the author hints towards a paleo diet: “I have also learnt that this type of diet is good for blood sugar regulation, body composition and is consistent with the way that our ancestors ate thousands of years ago”. For more detailed discussion on healthy eating, listen to the excellent SOTT Talk Radio show: Paleo food: Healthy eating in a GMO world to learn more about the evils of GMO’s

The REAL source of cavities and gum disease


Washington’s Blog
Thu, 28 Feb 2013 12:30 CST

Prehistoric Man Had Much Healthier Teeth and Gums than Modern Humans 

Our modern stereotype is that – until recently – people were plagued with rotting teeth, cavities and gum disease. 

But the truth is that prehistoric people had much better oral health than we do today. 

As NPR reports

Prehistoric humans didn’t have toothbrushes. They didn’t have floss or toothpaste, and they certainly didn’t have Listerine. Yet somehow, their mouths were a lot healthier than ours are today

“Hunter-gatherers had really good teeth,” says Alan Cooper, director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA. “[But] as soon as you get to farming populations, you see this massive change. Huge amounts of gum disease. And cavities start cropping up.” 

And thousands of years later, we’re still waging, and often losing, our war against oral disease

Our changing diets are largely to blame. 

In a study published in the latest Nature Genetics, Cooper and his research team looked at calcified plaque on ancient teeth from 34 prehistoric human skeletons. What they found was that as our diets changed over time – shifting from meat, vegetables and nuts to carbohydrates and sugar – so too did the composition of bacteria in our mouths. 


However, the researchers found that as prehistoric humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to farming, certain types of disease-causing bacteria that were particularly efficient at using carbohydrates started to win out over other types of “friendly” bacteria in human mouths. The addition of processed flour and sugar during the Industrial Revolution only made matters worse. 

“What you’ve really created is an ecosystem which is very low in diversity and full of opportunistic pathogens that have jumped in to utilize the resources which are now free,” Cooper says. 

And that’s a problem, because the dominance of harmful bacteria means that our mouths are basically in a constant state of disease. 

“You’re walking around with a permanent immune response, which is not a good thing,” says Cooper. “It causes problems all over the place.” 


According to Cooper, bacteria make up approximately 90 percent of the cells in our bodies. [Background; and graphics.] He believes that we focus too much on ourselves and not enough on this so-called microbiome

“We brush our teeth and we floss, and we think that we’ve got good oral hygiene. But [we’re] completely failing to deal with the underlying problem,” he says. “Ten years from now, I think we’re going to find that the whole microbiome is a key part of what you get monitored for and treated for.”

While this seems counter-intuitive at first, it makes sense after a little reflection. After all, we evolved as hunters and gatherers. We haven’t had time to adapt – in an evolutionary times frame – to a life of farming … let alone processed foods. 

No wonder – according to the New York Times:

More than 75% of American adults have some form of gum disease.

The science of healthy internal bugs is in its infancy. As Live Science notes:

“The concept of a probiotic to help reestablish our baseline microbiota after an antibiotic is a good concept,” [microbiologist Martin Blaser of the NYU School of Medicine] told LiveScience. “But the idea that, of all thousand species in our bodies, taking a single species that comes from cow or cheese is naïve.” Current probiotics are very well marketed, Blaser said, but there’s not much benefit. He does think medicine will one day develop probiotics that will be used to treat illness, but as of now, “it’s a very young field,” he said.

Ingesting too many antibiotics has also been linked to obesity, as it kills – often permanently – helpful intestinal bacteria (and see this and this),hypertension. Probiotics – which replace healthy intestinal bacteria – can promote weight loss, at least in people who don’t have a thriving community of natural intestinal flora. 

Indeed, a healthy microbiome is also important for mental health:

Live Science reports:

Researchers have increasingly begun to suspect the gut was somehow linked with the brain. For instance, bowel disorders seem linked with stress-related psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression in people. 

To learn more, scientists experimented with mice by feeding them a broth containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus JB-1. This species naturally lives in our gut, and scientists are exploring whether strains of it can be used as “probiotics” to improve our health. They discovered these rodents displayed significantly less behavior linked with stress, anxiety and depression than mice fed plain broth. Bacteria-fed mice also had significantly lower levels of the stress hormone corticosterone in response to stressful situations such as mazes. 

“By affecting gut bacteria, you can have very robust and quite broad-spectrum effects on brain chemistry and behavior,” researcher John Cryan, a neuroscientist at University College Cork in Ireland, told LiveScience. 

“Without overstating things, this does open up the concept that we could develop therapies that can treat psychiatric disorders by targeting the gut,” Cryan added. “You could take a yogurt with a probiotic in it instead of an antidepressant.” 


The investigators found that one GABA receptor component was present in higher levels in bacteria-fed mice in parts of the brain where it is normally lowered during depression. In addition, several GABA receptor components were reduced in parts of the brain where they are normally increased in stressed or anxious animals

Next, the researchers severed the vagus nerve, which helps alert the central nervous system to changes in the gastrointestinal tract. They found the bacteria-induced effects on behavior and GABA receptors were diminished, suggesting this nerve is the pathway by which changes in the gut can influence the brain. 

Vagal nerve stimulations have been used at times to treat depression resistant to other therapies, but “that’s a surgical technique,” Cryan said. “By targeting the gut with probiotics, we could indirectly target the vagus nerve without surgery.”

And see this

Many native cultures ate a lot of fermented foods containing healthy bacteria. Think yogurt, miso and Inuit fermented seal blubber (gross, we know …) 


Given that the modern diet contains less fermented foods, and that antibiotics have killed off some of our healthy intestinal flora, probiotics – sold in health food stores – are an important preventative measure against depression.

So it should come as no surprise that probiotics can help our oral health, as shown by scientific studies published in the American Journal of DentistryEuropean Journal of Dentistry, and elsewhere

In a couple of years, we will be able to get the right probiotics to kill the bad bugs in our mouth without destroying the good guys like antibiotics do. 

In the meantime, good oral hygiene – conscientious tooth brushing and flossing – is important. Indeed, an overwhelming number of scientific studies conclude that cavity levels are falling worldwide … even in countries which don’t fluoridate water. 

World Health Organization Data (2004) – Tooth Decay Trends (12 year olds) in Fluoridated vs. Unfluoridated Countries: 

This is due to increased education about the importance of oral hygiene. 

In addition, we should cut out refined flour and refined sugar. As Live Science notes:

Cooper suggests that one way to help return your microbiome to a healthier, more balanced state might be to cut out all of those processed carbs and start eating like our ancestors.

Cranberry juice contains a chemical that blocks cavity-causing bacteria from sticking to teeth. Drinking some unsweetened cranberry juice during the day can reduce cavities. 

Finally, brushing with baking soda (or a toothpaste containing baking soda) is safe, and helps to reduce plaque … even in hard-to-reach areas.